
One of the favorite and funniest of lines from Hamlet. Being a writer myself I am defintely a person who loves good quotes and words. I wanted to share some of my favorites with you!


I figured I should explain some of them..
Julia Child was 49 years old when the book first came out… *Mastering the Art of French Cooking* There is something so inspiring to me that she never gave up her dream no matter how old she was! Which inspires me to keep going

Just because you can do everything…. This quotes is my life story. Also part of why I think I go crazy sometimes.. I TRY to do everything, because I can. I mean, why cant I clean the house and work 2 jobs and do a blog and soon open up an Etsy store!?!?!  Then I re read that quote and it puts me back into place.. Just because I can doesn’t mean I can

The dog quotes makes me laugh and think of Zack.. because I love all animals and I want to rescue and help every puppy I see..so its humorous but kinda true that I may come home with a dog one day..

What are some of your favorite quotes? I would love to know!!! I always love a good quote!!!


With Love,


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